
Friday, September 7, 2012

Existential Quandary

“The enemy is within the gates;
 it is with our own luxury,
our own folly, our own criminality
 that we have to contend.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
I hate to be a Debby downer, but I read in my economics book that the world produces more than enough food to go around. Somehow, in America people are dying of obesity - consumption of too much food. Contrastingly, in Sub-Saharan Africa and a few other countries in different continents, people are dying of starvation.

What in the world is going on?

Does anyone care? 

I know there are all these attempts to give Africans aid. The trouble lies in the politics associated with that food. Acceptance of said food is tied in to forcibly agreeing to do things the Africans wouldn't normally do or want to do. For example, convert to a certain religion or vote for a particular dictator in order to receive relief.
What about the children? My God, have you looked away from us? It breaks my heart. The evilness of man has trumped the goodness proffered.
It's so easy of me and a bit cowardly, to point fingers from the  comfort and safe distance of my American home. Should I leave my little piece of Heaven in Amelia Island and go on long uncomfortable journeys to places that could use some assistance? Can I possibly live in extreme climates, no heat or AC in the name of helping out my fellow humans? Or can I just send money to different organizations through my computer, from my cushy couch and call that helping?

those who find the courage to do at least one small thing each day to help the existence of another--plant, animal, river, or human being. They shall be joined by a multitude of the timid.
 those who lose their fear of death; theirs is the power to envision the future in a blade of grass.
 those who love and actively support the diversity of life; they shall be secure in their differences.
Alice Walker

That's why I have decided to join the effort in my own little way. I will complete school pronto! and join Peace Corp. Learn how this helping others on a global scale functions. All while travelling the earth. My two dear passions. Eventually I'd like to join the efforts of a micro-lending organization.

I wonder what everyone else is doing?

“The world is only as fair as you can make it. Takes a lot of fight. A lot of fight. But if you stay in here, in your little cave, that's one less fighter on the side of fair.”  ― Libba Bray, Beauty Queens

Are we paying attention?