I haven't written in a long time. I've been so occupied with school
and work. A progressive busy though, not “avoidance” busy. The sort of busy that
leaves me quite contented. My Spanish is coming along marvelously. I intend to
go to Guatemala and Peru the entire month of August. I truly hope that after a
month's immersion into Latin culture, I will emerge somewhat fluent in Spanish.
One of my dream board items is to be fluent in Spanish. Most times as I glide
along life's curved, narrow or wide, straight or crooked roads, I can't help but to think of how far I've come. I've allowed
myself to change. Furthermore, I can't help but to think about how much I've learned over these past two years.
Sobriety has had a whole lot to do with it.
I feel now as if I have a handle on life. Which really means: giving
up my imagined "control" to the universe. Having a handle on life,
to me, means learning how to take life one day at a time. Tomorrow is not
promised to anyone. When it comes to what life dishes out, I've learned it's prudent to treat
life's circumstances as if I had planned them out myself. Be a friend to life.
No one is trying to screw you over. There are a myriad lessons life offers every
day. We miss out because we are too stuck in regret, blaming and playing
victim. And what happens next? Because we’re too absorbed in “Me World”,
we don’t learn a thing. Thus we end up committing the same errors and perpetuating
our suffering.
My life is peaceful. That's not to say I don't have challenges but
I welcome those challenges now with open arms and an open mind. What kind of a
world would this be if we didn’t have mountains, hills and valleys? The same
goes for life. The sooner you accept this truth, the more peaceful your life
will be.