
Sunday, October 6, 2013


Most days I am so grateful for my life, as it is, that I do not know what to pray. “Thank you,” doesn’t seem to suffice. This is the most stable my life has been. I recently had two off days where I absolutely did nothing. Well, except some chores e.g: a little laundry, dish washing and a little mopping… nothing else was on the agenda. Of course all this free time is due to school being closed. I am enjoying the freedom immensely and responsibly. Come August, the heat will be on. Full time school and full time work are two opposing forces and boy do they bring on the stress.  It is times like these my friend likes to remind me, “You chose this life though, remember?”  To which I say a thunderous, “Yes! And am not complaining, just whining a little.” :-)
A short time ago, I wrote to my dear niece on her blog page. I wrote on gratefulness. So many times we forget how fortunate we are and "appreciativeness" takes a back seat to our whining.  Like a famous quote says: What if we woke up today with only the things we were grateful for yesterday? A load of us would be very miserable.
You know what else? Am indebted to the universe for my tests and trials. I am a firm believer, if you’re being put to the test; you’re being perfected, refined and improved. I have no qualms against the difficult times in my life. They were a learning opportunity that expanded my vision and without these hard times I wouldn’t be the person I now am. 

I remember a time when free time tortured me. I was in fear of free time because I spent it so destructively.  But that was only because my mind was so tortured as well. It's clear to me now that drama-free living begins and ends with a serene state of mind. 
Everyday I am grateful for my continuous good health, the love and laughter from my friends, family and extended family. I appreciate my job, a working car, as much food as I can possibly eat and above all, peace of mind which affords me a great nights sleep. Now, who can argue with a good night's sleep? I learned a while back, worry makes for a very hard pillow.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Such Is Life: Mountains, Hills and Valleys

WisdomI haven't written in a long time. I've been so occupied with school and work. A progressive busy though, not “avoidance” busy. The sort of busy that leaves me quite contented. My Spanish is coming along marvelously. I intend to go to Guatemala and Peru the entire month of August. I truly hope that after a month's immersion into Latin culture, I will emerge somewhat fluent in Spanish. One of my dream board items is to be fluent in Spanish. Most times as I glide along life's curved, narrow or wide, straight or crooked roads, I can't help but to think of how far I've come. I've allowed myself to change. Furthermore, I can't help but to think about how much I've learned over these past two years. Sobriety has had a whole lot to do with it.
I feel now as if I have a handle on life. Which really means: giving up my imagined "control" to the universe. Having a handle on life, to me, means learning how to take life one day at a time. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. When it comes to what life dishes out, I've learned it's prudent to treat life's circumstances as if I had planned them out myself. Be a friend to life. No one is trying to screw you over. There are a myriad lessons life offers every day. We miss out because we are too stuck in regret, blaming and playing victim. And what happens next? Because we’re too absorbed in “Me World”, we don’t learn a thing. Thus we end up committing the same errors and perpetuating our suffering.
WisdomMy life is peaceful. That's not to say I don't have challenges but I welcome those challenges now with open arms and an open mind. What kind of a world would this be if we didn’t have mountains, hills and valleys? The same goes for life. The sooner you accept this truth, the more peaceful your life will be.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Consider This While Looking For Love

 I was reading an article on Oprah's O magazine. A very interesting article written to single people who are looking to partner up. The author Leigh Newman, advised singles this:

Do I have a love success pattern?
Read more:

The greatest thing about love, I believe, is that it’s the most democratic of human experiences. Anybody can do it, and just about everybody does it (with the exception of sociopaths). What some of us forget to value or recognize is that even if we aren’t doing it in a romantic way, we’re doing it in other ways—and doing it well.

Look at the people you love and who love you back. Now take out the family members, because you didn’t choose them. This leaves your friends. Narrow these down to the three you have the strongest relationship with, the ones who you trust in any situation. At first glance they may seem dissimilar. For example, one may be a quiet stay-at-home mom, another an outspoken interior designer, still another a wisecracking novelist. But your relationships with these three will have a few things in common, even if at first glance these qualities aren’t obvious. Going back to the pals above—which, okay, are my pals—I have to point out that all three are wildly independent people who are also pee- your-pants funny. And...not the best dressers.

This is where I do love well, and luckily after years and years of badly managed romance interactions, I met my husband, who shares all these same traits. Understanding that not only are you—like everybody else—absolutely, positively capable of love, but also that you are awesome at it with certain, very specific people gives you confidence, yes. But it also really narrows down the field.
Read more:
 Pondering this, I thought of my two close buddies (Sunshine and Reflecto) and drummed out a list of their attributes. They:
  • Are in touch with Spirit, deeply and intuitively.
  • Are Wise beyond their years.
  • Are Smart and attractive.
  • Eat healthily and take care of their bodies.
  • Can both cook well and enjoy good food.
  • Adore me and I them. 
  • Love me as I am packaged.
  • Really get me and I them in the spoken and unspoken.
  • Are non judgmental.
  • Have gone through a life altering experience.
  • Are very private.
  • Despise drama.
  • Laugh easily and often.
  • Do not drink or smoke.
  • Love family fiercely
  • Are very loyal. 
  • Are confident and regal, as if they were Queens in  a previous life. 
I could go on and on about them. The point though is, this would be the same thing I would be looking for in a partner.  
Thanks Leigh Newman!